EthikJournal 1. Jg. (2013) Ausgabe 1

"Legitimation(en) sozialprofessionellen Handelns"


English Abstracts

Elisabeth Conradi

Ethik im Kontext sozialer Arbeit

Abstract In this article, the scope of ethics in social work is defined by way of connecting issues of individual ethics and social ethics, and by reconsidering the demarcation line between professional and extra-professional acting. It is deliberated whether ethics in the context of social work should be conceptualized from the position of the person engaged in professional practice, or by the organisational setting of the social institution. It is further thematized how these considerations are of concern for volunteers. In addition, twelve elements of the ethics of attentiveness are unfolded and care is introduced as its key term. Care has to do with presence, acceptance of responsibility and encouragement, but also with respect and the donation of attentiveness. Finally, the charge of maternalism is discussed.
Keywords Ethics of Care and Attentiveness – Professional Ethics – Volunteering – Institutions – Social Ethics – Autonomy

Abstract (deutsch) 

Susanne Dungs

Die Legitimität »aufheben«

Zum Problem der normativen Begründung sozialprofessionellen Handelns

Abstract This article focuses on the level of a direct working alliance and discusses how the idea of legitimation can be explained taking into consideration the adressees. For this purpose it refers to four ethic positions, which circle around the structure of a moral law. Against the background of these concepts, the idea of legitimation is critically examined, because the social professional acting has to accept the notion that good reasons for which it is being practised may not find a definite legitimation.
Scientification of Social Acting – Legitimation of Others/by Others – Boundaries of Knowledge 

Abstract (deutsch)

Andreas Lob-Hüdepohl

„People first“ Die ‚Mandatsfrage‘ sozialer Professionen aus moralphilosophischer Sicht

Abstract As well as in any kind of professional context (Medicine, Medical Care etc.), which has an impact on human beings, Social Professions also need to deliberate about their moral legitimation. Usually, this question is answered referring to the so-called 'double-mandate', according to which social work was mandated to beneficience and control by the state. This meaning, however, has changed dramatically, even developed to a so-called 'triple-mandate': Social Professions see themselves as legitimated to intervene by the mandator’s and the state’s perspective as well as by their own professional self-conception. However, this conception is moral-philosophically and from an ethical human-rights perspective unsatisfying and to be disapproved. Only the mandator’s perspective counts as categorically legitimating, but authorizations by the state and/or the profession itself can only be derivative and only count hypothetically. It is only in very borderline cases, in which they could justify and legitimate weak paternalistic interventions. For these kind of interventions, precise criteria need to be developed.
Keywords Ethics of Social Work – Human Rights and Social Work – Dual Mandate – Triple Mandate – Paternalism – ‘informed consent’

Abstract (deutsch) 

Wolfgang Maaser

Sozialarbeiterische Profession im Spannungsfeld von normativem Selbstverständnis und sozialstaatlicher Beauftragung

Abstract This paper sketches out the complex relation between Ethics and Social Works regarding the genesis of this social profession. Assuming several distinct approaches how to relate Ethics to Social Work and vice versa, the author describes and critically discusses various concepts, which try to locate social profession within the context of the social welfare state, and in which changes to the German social model seem to be a peculiar challenge. If we look at current indicators of problems and lines of normative conflicts, it becomes obvious, in which way (social-) ethical reflections contribute tremendously to the self-concept and self-positioning of Social Work within the current process of transformation in the framework of the social welfare state.
Keywords Ethics of Social Work – Professional Code of Conduct – Human Rights and Social Work – Triple Mandate – Social Welfare State of Empowerment

Abstract (deutsch) 

Michael Opielka

Gerechtigkeit und Soziale Arbeit Sozialethische und sozialpolitische Perspektiven

Abstract This paper offers to locate Social Works social-politically within a broader discourse on justice, and more over within the discourse of the advancement of the social welfare state. First, this paper investigates the ambivalent relation between social politics and Social Works, resulting in suggesting a triangulation of Social Work from a social-political and sociological perspective. Second, some requirements of the professionalism of Social Work within a civil society are sketched out. Central to this conception is to add a fourth type of regime to the current debate on the relation between social politics and Social Works, which mainly uses the dichotomy of market and state, resp. the trilogy of market, state, and community which is also reflected in the typology of social welfare state regimes developed by Gøsta Esping-Andersens (liberal/social democratic/conservative). This fourth type of regime is the so-called “Garantism”, which does not only pose the question whether such a type of regime can offer a social-political perspective, but also, whether it can be useful for the future of Social Work.
Keywords Ethics of Social Work – Social Politics – Social State – Garantism

Abstract (deutsch) 

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  • ISSN 2196-2480